I just want to add a big Thanks to the people from Crazy Detailer. You guys know your stuff. With my last order, Monique and Pravin advise me on the AutoGlym- Fast Glass cleaner. Great Stuff people. This stuff really cleans fast and only leaves a clear clean glass. Only one wipe. When opening parcel from Crazy Detailer, the wife stood next to me. Just to see what “Crap” I bought now AGAIN. hehehehe. When she saw the Autoglym Fast Glass, she grabbed it and the Window cleaning cloth. She started cleaning the house windows. WOW, amazing stuff and she loves it… and it’s fast. 1 hour and all the windows were cleaned SO moral of the story… you can. You can buy loads of stuff for your car. Just make sure you buy the Autoglym Fast Glass, and the wife will be happy.